doi: 10.56294/pa202420
Quality of service and user satisfaction of a police station in a district of northern Lima
Calidad de servicio y satisfacción del usuario de una comisaría en un distrito de Lima Norte
Yanko Yoshitaro Vilca Malaver1, Brian Andreé Meneses Claudio1 *, Jorge Arturo Zapana Ruiz1
1Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. Perú.
Cite as: Vilca Malaver YY, Meneses Claudio BA, Zapana Ruiz JA. Quality of service and user satisfaction of a police station in a district of northern Lima. Southern Perspective / Perspectiva Austral 2024; 2:20.
Submitted: 20-10-2023 Revised: 03-12-2023 Accepted: 28-02-2024 Published: 29-02-2024
The situation about the attention people receive in the police stations of our country is poor, many users go to these waiting to be attended by police officers after some event or other need, but what they receive is an unfair and degrading treatment, which is why the research seeks to determine the relationship between the quality of service and the user satisfaction of a police station in a district of Lima Norte, 2023. The type of the research is basic, correlative research, cross-sectional, which is applied to a sample of 81 users who are studied through a survey, having as results that talking about quality of service a 43,2 % of the respondents said it was low, a 39,5 % considered it medium and only a 17,3 % considered it high, while regarding user satisfaction, the 53,1 % of the respondents considered it low, a 30,9 % considered it medium and only 16 % considered it high, then the Rho Spearman coefficient is applied to establish the correlation, having as result a degree of significance of 0,001, so the existence of a relationship between quality service and user satisfacción is corroborated, also a coefficient of 0,814 is obtained, which indicates a direct and high correlation between the variables, this is because if users receive a bad attention by the police in the police station, the user satisfaction about the service will be equally bad.
Keywords: Quality of Service; User Satisfaction; Empathy; Expectations; Perceived Performance.
La situación sobre la atención que reciben las personas en las comisarías de nuestro país es deficiente, muchos usuarios acuden a estas esperando ser atendidos por el personal policial luego de algún acontecimiento u otra necesidad, pero lo que reciben es un trato injusto y denigrante, es por esto que la investigación busca determinar la relación entre la calidad de servicio y la satisfacción del usuario de una comisaría de un distrito de Lima Norte, 2023. La investigación es de tipo básica, alcance correlacional, corte transversal, el cual se aplica a una muestra de 81 usuarios los cuales son estudiados mediante una encuesta, obteniendo como resultado que en cuanto a la calidad de servicio un 43,2 % de los encuestados indicaron que era bajo, un 39,5 % consideraron que era medio y solo un 17,3 % lo consideraron como alto, mientras que respecto a la satisfacción del usuario, el 53,1 % de los encuestados consideraron que era bajo, un 30,9 % consideraron que era medio y solo un 16 % lo consideraron como alto, es así como se aplica el coeficiente de Rho Spearman para establecer la correlación, obteniendo así un grado de significancia de 0,001, por lo que se corrobora la existencia de una relación entre la calidad de servicio y la satisfacción del usuario, además se obtiene un coeficiente de 0,814, lo que indicia una correlación directa y alta entre las variables, esto es debido a que si los usuarios reciben una mala atención por parte de la policía dentro de las comisarias, la satisfacción de los usuario respecto al servicio será de igual forma mala.
Palabras clave: Calidad de Servicio; Satisfacción del Usuario; Empatía; Expectativas; Rendimiento Percibido.
Within the United States one of the most important services provided by the state to citizens is their security, since this country is one of the most populous in the world and in turn crowded, so this public service within the country should be one of the best developed, but the reality is different since Washburn (2023)(1) through a survey conducted by the Washington Post and ABC News writes an article in Forbes which states that out of 1000 Americans surveyed, 61 % of the people surveyed believe that the police force is not properly trained to perform their duties due to the excessive brutality with which they act, 61 % of the people surveyed consider that the police force is not properly trained to perform their duties due to the excessive brutality with which they act, and likewise, with a Gallup poll from 2022,(2) the article states that 55 % of American adults surveyed do not trust their police departments, which is a 3 % increase from the same poll conducted in 2020,(3) all this generated by the events occurring in the country for different reasons such as: the continuous abuses by the police regardless of the skin color of the person they stop, the great authority that police officers have in their corresponding states being able to use force at any time and sometimes without being reasonable, so all this permeates within the American society and more than sure, makes people's perceptions towards this public service to be considered as untrustworthy.(4,5)
At the regional level, we have our neighboring country Ecuador, which, unfortunately in its public services in terms of security, is losing confidence on the part of its citizens in recent months of all the insecurity that is arising in the country, as Anrango et al.(6) in their article mentions that a report by Latinobarómetro in 2021,(7) 3,4 out of 10 Ecuadorians trust the Ecuadorian police, which means that 66 % of the people surveyed are dissatisfied with the public service offered by this institution, this is due to the fact that people consider that the response capacity of the officers at the moment of requesting help is late, It is also noted that most of these opinions are given by people who have not had contact with the police service, but who have this expectation because of anecdotes of people around them, making these expectations negative towards the institution.(8,9)
At the national level, the public security service provided by the national police is poorly regarded by citizens for reasons such as Fuentes Vilca(10) through an investigation he carried out in Cuzco and Juliaca where he found that in Cuzco, 55 % of the people surveyed felt that their expectations were not met in terms of the services provided by the National Police, while in Juliaca the percentage was 71 %. This is due to the lack of empathy with which the officers attend to the people who come to the police stations, as well as the lack of respect that the authorities have for the population, which causes high levels of dissatisfaction on the part of citizens when they go to request help from these public institutions.(11,12,13,14)
At the local level, the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI, 2023)(15) establishes in its report made between the months of January and March of that year that 611 people have been arrested in Los Olivos for having committed a crime, whether against public safety, against life, body and health, against patrimony or others, This makes the district one of the five districts with the highest number of people arrested in Metropolitan Lima for committing a crime, so we can infer that Los Olivos is one of the most insecure districts in northern Lima, which indicates that the public security service provided by the state is not good at all, deaths, robberies and kidnappings are scenarios that occur every day in the district, to this we add that when something illegal happens and we communicate with the police, their response time is very slow, hours after what happened they appear on the scene or even when they go to make the corresponding complaint to the police stations, the little empathy of the police when attending to those affected makes us wonder if they are really interested in doing their job which is paid by the tax of all citizens, This means that when something bad happens to us we simply prefer to let it go because we know that the police will not do anything, making the perspective we have of this service one of the worst in our district as well as in our country.
The present research is of a basic type because it will expand knowledge about the quality of service provided by the officers of a police station in northern Lima, as well as the satisfaction of users who come to request services. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University(16) states that basic research is one in which data are collected to improve knowledge, which is the main motivation of this type of research; this type of research does not create or invent something new and is only limited to determine a simple fact.
The scope of the research is correlational since it determines the relationship that exists between the service quality variable and user satisfaction. Wubante(17) indicates that the correlational study is carried out to describe and measure the degree of relationship between two or more variables and that there are three types of correlations: the positive one in which if one variable increases, the other also increases, and if it decreases the other also decreases, the negative one in which if one variable increases the other decreases and vice versa, and finally the one without correlation in which the change in one variable will not necessarily cause the change in the other. In the same way, Ramos Galarza(18) mentions that within correlational research, inferential statistical processes will be used to compare the result of each variable being studied, with the objective that the results are beneficial to describe the reality of the population.
The design of this study is non-experimental since it will only be limited to observing how the variables behave within the context of the study and will not interfere with them, while Navarro(19) reports that this research design occurs when the researcher does not have control of the experiment, because the people being studied cannot or should not be subjected to orders, since it would be unethical and the results would be manipulated.
The cut is transversal because the data collection is performed within a specific moment in time, which in this case is the year 2023; hence, Zangirolami et al.(20) states that this type of cut in research is performed to collect information, data or materials spontaneously at a given time, which allows the direct observation of the researcher and thus to reach solid conclusions, in their words it is like taking a photograph of the part that interests you of a movie and not seeing it in its entirety.
The method used is the hypothetical deductive method since a hypothesis is put forward and a field study is carried out to corroborate whether the hypothesis is correct or not, generating conclusions through the results obtained; for this reason, Nizomiddin Maxmasaitovich(21) explains that the hypothetical deductive method is about the creation of a system of hypotheses which may be refuted or approved so that thanks to this conclusions will be drawn about empirical facts. As a result, these conclusions will have a probabilistic character.
The approach used is quantitative since data are collected to analyze them, which are captured in tables to analyze the relationship between variables; therefore, Pawar(22) indicates that quantitative research deals with numbers and quantities to describe an event and support a hypothesis. Hence, its objective is to collect numerical data through a systematic empirical investigation of phenomena, analyze them through statistical techniques, and thus explain their relationship. Likewise, a study indicates that the importance of the quantitative approach lies in the fact that it will describe, explain, and predict the behavior of the variables through its study, which is why it is necessary to be very careful when collecting information because thanks to this an analysis will be made and later its interpretation.
The population determined for the research is 100 citizens, which is the average number who come to file a complaint or request a service at a police station in northern Lima between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm. Pantoja et al.(23) point out that the population is a group that can be things, people, animals, and events, among others, that will be studied, and for this, the population must be delimited by means of characteristics of content, place and time. For the sample, the statistical formula of sampling for a finite population was used, applying a 95 % confidence level and a 5 % margin of error, obtaining a sample of 81 citizens to be studied thus, Matos et al.(24) point out that the sample is only a part of the total of our population or also considered as a subset of elementary units that contain the same characteristics of the population and are represented by the lowercase letter "n." The type of sampling is simple random probability sampling since all citizens who have been served in a police station in northern Lima have the same possibility of being chosen to conduct the survey and carry out the research, which is why Noor et al.(25) indicate that this type of sampling is mostly used in quantitative studies, it is used to study populations with homogeneous characteristics and its advantage is that it guarantees an unbiased, representative and equal probability of the population.
The technique applied is the survey since the data are collected thanks to a face-to-face opinion study aimed at service quality and satisfaction in order to know the opinion of the people who are served in a police station, therefore Arias Gonzáles(26) mentions that the survey is a tool that is focused on people and is used to collect information about their opinions, behaviors or perceptions, obtaining such data by interrogating the respondent. The instrument used is the questionnaire since the survey is built based on questions about responsiveness, empathy, reliability, level of satisfaction, expectations, and perceived performance. The instrument is a method of data collection that is given through questioning. It is used to obtain information about the variables under investigation and can be applied both in person and virtually. The scale used in the research is the Likert of frequency type since it is through the scale from 1 to 5 (never to very frequently), the service provided by the collaborators of a police station is evaluated so that Matas Terron points out that this type of instrument is a collection of items in which half agree with what is to be measured and the other half is against, accompanied by an ordinal valuation, includes a midpoint that is neutral which those on the left are of disagreement and those on the right are of agreement.
In the same way, the questionnaire is adapted from a previous work with the same variables by Gonzales Castañeda(27), which is called "Relación entre calidad del servicio y satisfacción de los usuarios en el Hospital de Especialidades Básicas La Noria, 2022", within this research the author considers 5 of the six dimensions of the present work, which are: responsiveness, empathy, reliability, expectations and perceived performance, being the responsibility of the author and his added value of this work the creation of the questionnaire for the dimension of the level of satisfaction.
In order to start with the data collection, a request had to be made and presented at the police station's front desk to obtain authorization from the police commissioner to start with the survey outside the police station's infrastructure. Once permission was obtained, citizens were approached as they left the police station to ask them to fill out the research survey.
First of all, the data from the face-to-face survey is collected from the specified sample. All the data is compiled and transferred to a database in the Excel program, after which the data is loaded into the SPSS program for statistical analysis, thus approving or disapproving the hypotheses proposed in this research.
The confidentiality of the respondents is respected since it is not necessary to take private information from them. Likewise, the established norms of the APA 7th edition were followed, and the guidelines for the Turnitin percentage established by the Technological University of Peru, which is 20 %, were complied with. Finally, everything developed in this work is supported and validated by both national and international authors.
Once the results of the 81 users who were attended to in a police station in a district of North Lima were obtained, Cronbach's alpha was applied to the variables to verify that the instrument being used was reliable, so the database was uploaded to the SPSS program and the alpha was calculated.
Table 1. Cronbach's Alpha - Quality of Service and User Satisfaction |
Quality of Service |
User Satisfaction |
Cronbach's alpha |
N of elements |
Cronbach's alpha |
N of elements |
0,972 |
15 |
0,976 |
15 |
For an instrument to be valid, its Cronbach's Alpha score must be greater than 0,75. Thus, thanks to the SPSS program, the score obtained for the Quality of Service variable is 0,972 and for the User Satisfaction variable is 0,976, so the instrument is good for measuring the two variables.
Table 2. Quality of Service Variable |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Low |
35 |
43,2 |
Medium |
32 |
39,5 |
High |
14 |
17,3 |
Total |
81 |
100 |
As can be seen in table 1, 35 (43,2 %) users who come to the police station consider that the quality of service is low; this is due to the fact that the police officers are not performing their activities properly, do not solve problems quickly, do not treat them with empathy and therefore people do not trust the work of the police officers, 32 (39,5 %) users consider that the service provided is neither good nor bad and only 14 (17,3 %) consider that the police station performs its functions in a way that the citizen leaves happy with the attention received within the institution. Only 14 (17,3 %) users consider that the police station performs its functions in such a way that the citizen leaves happy with the attention he/she receives within the institution.
Table 3. Service Quality Dimensions |
Responsiveness |
Empathy |
Reliability |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Low |
40 |
49,4 |
36 |
44,4 |
37 |
45,7 |
Medium |
24 |
26,9 |
30 |
37,0 |
27 |
33,3 |
High |
17 |
21,0 |
15 |
18,5 |
17 |
21,0 |
Total |
81 |
100 |
81 |
100 |
81 |
100 |
Regarding the responsiveness dimension, table 3 shows that 40 (49,4 %) users considered it to be low because the police officers did not resolve the needs of the users who came to the police station nor did they show interest in helping them to resolve them, which is why they were rated as low, 24 (29,6 %) users considered it to be neither good nor bad, and 17 (21 %) users considered it to be high because very few people were happy with the attention they received. Regarding the empathy dimension, according to table 3, 36 (44,4 %) users of the sample indicated that it was low since the police officers did not show empathy at the time of the attention and, in turn, the police did not really understand their needs, 30 (37 %) users indicated that the empathy in the attention was regular and only 15 (18,5 %) users considered it high since they were very empathetic at the time of the attention. Finally, the reliability dimension reached 37 (45,7 %) users at the low level; since the police officers made mistakes when providing the service, did not provide clear information, and did not provide attention within the established time, 27 (33,3 %) scored it as medium and 17 (21 %) users as high since they received timely attention. The officers were clear when offering the service to the users.
User Satisfaction Variable
Table 4. User Satisfaction Variable |
Frecuency |
Percentage |
Low |
43 |
53,1 |
Medium |
25 |
30,9 |
High |
13 |
16,0 |
Total |
81 |
100 |
With regard to user satisfaction, table 4 shows that 43 (53,1 %) users who visit a police station in northern Lima consider their satisfaction to be low because they are dissatisfied with the service provided by the police officers and do not meet their expectations of receiving good service from police personnel, which generates a negative evaluation of their own; 25 (30,9 %) users consider their satisfaction to be neither high nor low; and only 13 (16 %) users leave the police station satisfied with the service offered by the police officers. This generates a negative evaluation; 25 (30,9 %) users consider that their satisfaction could have been higher and higher, and only 13 (16 %) users leave the police station satisfied with the service offered by the police officers.
Table 5. User Satisfaction Dimensions |
Level of satisfaction |
Expectations |
Perceived performance |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Low |
42 |
51,9 |
44 |
54,3 |
44 |
54,3 |
Medium |
19 |
23,5 |
24 |
29,6 |
21 |
25,9 |
High |
20 |
24,7 |
13 |
16,0 |
16 |
19,8 |
Total |
81 |
100 |
81 |
100 |
81 |
100 |
Regarding the dimension of the level of satisfaction, table 5 indicates that 42 (51,9 %) users consider it low. They feel very dissatisfied with the quality of service provided by the police officers because they were not served correctly and their needs were not met; 19 (23,5 %) users consider it medium, and only in this case the high level exceeds it with 20 (24,7 %) users who were satisfied with the service. However, it is still a very low percentage. Regarding the dimension of expectations, table 5 indicates that 44 (54,3 %) users consider it low because their experience at the police station was very bad, which causes them to generate very negative comments about the service, becoming third parties who refer badly about the institution and recommend that they no longer go to it in case they need it; 24 (29,6 %) users consider it as a low level because their experience at the police station was very bad. In conclusion, the dimension of perceived performance was considered to be medium, and only 13 (16 %) users considered it to be high, suggesting that their experience at the police station was optimal and that they received good comments about the care provided by the institution. To conclude, the dimension perceived performance, according to table 5 obtained a number of 44 (54,3 %) in the low level, since the point of view of the people was negative because the performance of the police officers was not in accordance with what it is supposed to be when receiving a service from a public official, 21 (25,9 %) users place this dimension in the medium level and 16 (19,8 %) users rated it as high since according to them the performance of the police officers was adequate so their views become positive.
Correlational Results
General hypothesis: service quality is significantly related to user satisfaction at a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
Table 6. Correlación de Calidad de Servicio y Satisfacción del Usuario |
Correlations |
Quality of Service |
User Satisfaction |
Spearman's Rho |
Quality of Service Variable |
Correlation coefficient |
1,000 |
0,814** |
Sig. (bilateral) |
<0,001 |
N |
81 |
81 |
User Satisfaction Variable |
Correlation coefficient |
0,814** |
1,000 |
Sig. (bilateral) |
<0,001 |
N |
81 |
81 |
H0: service quality is not significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in the district of North Lima, 2023.
H1: service quality is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in the district of North Lima, 2023.
As shown in table 6, the Rho Spearman correlation shows a result of 0,814 between service quality and user satisfaction, indicating that this correlation is high and significant since having a low level of service quality means that the level of user satisfaction is also low.
Table 6 shows as a result that the degree of significance is <0,001, considering that to approve the hypothesis, this degree must be less than 0,005; it is understood that the general hypothesis is approved, so that the quality of service is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
Specific Hypothesis 1: responsiveness is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
Table 7. Correlation of Responsiveness and User Satisfaction |
Correlations |
Quality of Service |
Quality of Service |
Spearman's Rho |
Quality of Service Variable |
Correlation coefficient |
1,000 |
0,783** |
Sig. (bilateral) |
<0,001 |
N |
81 |
81 |
User Satisfaction Variable |
Correlation coefficient |
0,783** |
1,000 |
Sig. (bilateral) |
<0,001 |
N |
81 |
81 |
H0: responsiveness is not significantly related to user satisfaction of a police station in the district of North Lima, 2023.
H1: responsiveness is significantly related to user satisfaction at a police station in the district of North Lima, 2023.
As shown in table 7, the Rho Spearman correlation shows a result of 0,783 between the responsiveness dimension and user satisfaction, indicating that this correlation is high and significant since having a low responsiveness dimension means that the level of user satisfaction is also low.
Table 7 shows as a result that the degree of significance is <0,001, considering that to approve the hypothesis, this degree must be less than 0,005. It is understood that specific hypothesis 1 is approved, so Responsiveness is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
Specific Hypothesis 2: empathy is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
Table 8. Correlation of Empathy and User Satisfaction |
Correlations |
Empathy Dimension |
User Satisfaction |
Spearman's Rho |
Empathy Dimension Variable |
Correlation coefficient |
1,000 |
0,825** |
Sig. (bilateral) |
<0,001 |
N |
81 |
81 |
User Satisfaction Variable |
Correlation coefficient |
0,825** |
1,000 |
Sig. (bilateral) |
<0,001 |
N |
81 |
81 |
H0: empathy is not significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in the district of North Lima, 2023.
H1: empathy is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in the district of North Lima, 2023.
As shown in table 8, the Rho Spearman correlation shows a result of 0,825 between the empathy dimension and user satisfaction, indicating that this correlation is high and significant since having an empathy dimension that is positioned according to the research at a low level has as a consequence that the level of user satisfaction is also located at a low level.
Table 8 shows as a result that the degree of significance is <0,001, considering that to approve the hypothesis, this degree must be less than 0,005. It is understood that specific hypothesis 2 is approved, so Empathy is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
Specific Hypothesis 3: reliability is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
Table 9. Correlation of Reliability and User Satisfaction |
Correlations |
Reliability Dimension |
User Satisfaction |
Rho de Spearman |
Variable Dimension Reliability |
Correlation coefficient |
1,000 |
0,805** |
Sig. (bilateral) |
<0,001 |
N |
81 |
81 |
User Satisfaction Variable |
Correlation coefficient |
0,805** |
1,000 |
Sig. (bilateral) |
<0,001 |
N |
81 |
81 |
H0: reliability is not significantly related to user satisfaction of a police station in the district of North Lima, 2023.
H1: reliability is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
As shown in table 9, the Rho Spearman correlation shows a result of 0,805 between the reliability dimension and user satisfaction, indicating that this correlation is high and significant; since having a reliability dimension that is at the low level, it follows that the level of user satisfaction will also be positioned at a low level.
Table 9 shows as a result that the degree of significance is <0,001, considering that to approve the hypothesis, this degree must be less than 0,005; it is understood that the specific hypothesis 3 is approved, so that the Reliability is significantly related to the user satisfaction of a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
According to the research, the present work concludes that there is a significant relationship between service quality and user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima 2023, with a significance level of 0,001 and a correlation coefficient of 0,814, specifying a high relationship between service quality and user satisfaction, specifying a high relationship between the variables; this is because when people receive poor attention within the institution, their satisfaction with the attention received automatically becomes poor or low, confirming that the relationship between these two variables is direct, all thanks to the surveys used to collect the different opinions of the people who used the services of the police station.(28,29,30,31) Likewise, Vilca et al.(32) point out that in their research, the variables of both service quality and customer satisfaction have a moderate direct link between these variables, with a degree of significance of 0,000 and a Rho Spearman coefficient of 0,597, information that is corroborated thanks to the data collected by their applied survey, demonstrating that people receive average attention from the bank's workers so that customers leave satisfied with the customer service they received.(33,34,35) In the same way, Arévalos Marcos(36) mentions in his research that there is a direct relationship between service quality and satisfaction within the hospital where his work is carried out, indicating that the significant degree is 0,001. The Rho Spearman coefficient is 0,626, which means that there is an average direct relationship between the variables because, according to people's own opinions, they receive an average quality of care in this hospital, which means that people leave the hospital moderately satisfied when they are attended.(37,38,39)
In the same way, this research concludes that there is a significant relationship between responsiveness and user satisfaction in a police station in the district of Lima Norte 2023, with a significance level of 0,001 and a Rho Spearman coefficient of 0,783, which suggests that there is a significant and high relationship between these variables due to the fact that in the applied surveys, people indicate that the responsiveness of police officers is very poor, either because they do not help them solve their problems or do not show a willingness to attend to them, which causes people to leave the police station very dissatisfied.(40,41) For his part, Martínez San Miguel(42) points out that in his research conducted regarding the quality of service and the satisfaction of users of a Municipality, there is a positive median relationship since its degree of significance is 0,000. Its Rho Spearman coefficient is 0,564, and data obtained from citizens through a survey says that the quality of attention within that institution is good by public officials. Hence, their satisfaction regarding the attention also comes to be good.(43) In addition, Pérez Soto(44) in his study of the same variables in a public health center, concludes that the degree of significance between responsiveness and user satisfaction is 0,000 and the Spearman coefficient is 0,778, so there is a high positive relationship since a large number of people do not get the staff to attend them in what they need within the institution. Therefore, people leave very dissatisfied.
Similarly, the research concludes that there is a significant relationship between empathy and user satisfaction in a police station in a district of Lima Norte 2021 since it has a degree of significance of 0,001 and a Spearman coefficient of 0,825, establishing a connection between empathy and user satisfaction, establishing a significant and high connection, data that can be corroborated thanks to the questionnaires used to measure these variables, where most people said that the police officers did not treat them kindly when they were attended to at the police station, so their satisfaction with all this was very poor. Similarly, Aramayo Mendoza(45), in his research on the empathy dimension and customer satisfaction in a car dealership, the research showed a significance level of 0,03 and a chi-square correlation of 9,3, which confirms that there is a relationship between these study variables since thanks to the surveys it was possible to corroborate that the post-sales salesmen did not treat the customers well or did not even care about serving them so that the customers were very dissatisfied and therefore did not become loyal to the company. For his part, Martínez San Miguel(46), in his study of the same variables within a municipality, points out that there is a direct average relationship since he obtains a degree of significance of 0,000 and a Spearman coefficient of 0,424 since through the questionnaires applied to the users of that municipality it can be deduced that the majority of people received a kind and respectful treatment so that people were satisfied with the public entity.(47)
Finally, this research affirms that there is a relationship between the Reliability and user satisfaction of a police station in a district of Lima Norte 2023, with a degree of significance of 0,001 and a Spearman coefficient of 0,805, which shows that there is a significant and high relationship, which shows that there is a significant and high relationship, which can be corroborated with the questionnaires applied, because the people surveyed state that they do not trust the work done by the police officers and they do it with many errors, making people feel very dissatisfied when they go to request a service in this entity. For his part, Arévalos Marcos(48) points out in his research of a public hospital that there is a direct and moderate relationship between Reliability and satisfaction of the users of that service since, thanks to his survey, a degree of significance of 0,01 and a Rho Spearman coefficient of 0,613 is observed, since people point out that the information provided by the employees in that care center was regular. Their work was performed half-heartedly, so their satisfaction aftercare also became average.(49) Likewise, Pérez Soto(50) indicates that in another public hospital where he conducts his research, there is also a direct and high relationship between these variables since they have a degree of significance of 0,000 and a relationship coefficient of 0,721, which confirms his hypothesis of the existence of a relationship between Reliability and user satisfaction, this supported thanks to the surveys where it is mentioned that people consider that the performance of the work of doctors and nurses in that institution is average so people leave moderately satisfied with it.
Regarding the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, table 6 confirms the existence of a relationship between them, obtaining a degree of significance of 0,001, which is less than 0,005, which confirms our hypothesis, and a Spearman correlation coefficient of 0,814, which indicates that the relationship, apart from being significant, is also high, this is due to the very poor service in all its aspects that citizens are receiving when they go to a police station to be attended for whatever reason, which causes citizens to have a great feeling of dissatisfaction with the institution, so we can ensure that the quality of service is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
Regarding the relationship between responsiveness and customer satisfaction, table 7 shows that there is a relationship between the dimension and the variable since we obtained a degree of bilateral significance of 0,001, which is less than 0,005, so the hypothesis is approved, as well as a Rho Spearman coefficient of 0,783, which indicates that there is a relationship between the dimension and the variable since we obtained a degree of bilateral significance of 0,001, which is less than 0,005, so the hypothesis is approved, as well as a Rho Spearman coefficient of 0,783, which indicates that the relationship is direct and high; this is proven by the people surveyed, who state that most of the police cannot solve their problems and are not even committed to attending to them or carrying out their functions as public servants, which causes citizens to feel dissatisfied with the work of police officers, so it can be said that responsiveness is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
Regarding whether there is a relationship between empathy and user satisfaction, table 8 shows that there is a relationship between these two reasons for study since a degree of bilateral significance of 0,001 is obtained, which is less than 0,005, which approves the hypothesis, and likewise a Spearman coefficient of 0,825, which determines the existence of a significantly high relationship given that police officers are not able to put themselves in the place of the people they are serving, lacking kindness and respect when dealing with them, which determines the existence of a significantly high relationship given that the police officers are not capable of putting themselves in the place of the people they are serving, lacking kindness and respect when treating them, which generates a low level of satisfaction on the part of the police station users.
Regarding the existence of a relationship between Reliability and customer satisfaction, table 9 shows a relationship between them since it establishes a degree of significance of 0,001, which approves the hypothesis as it is less than 0,005, and a Rho Spearman coefficient of 0,805 is obtained, indicating a direct relationship between Reliability and customer satisfaction, which indicates a direct and high relationship given that police officers do not provide clear information so that users can understand it and often perform the service with errors and end up confusing and disappointing citizens, which leads to people not feeling confident with their work and triggering a high degree of dissatisfaction, so it is concluded that Reliability is significantly related to user satisfaction in a police station in a district of North Lima, 2023.
Regarding the quality of service in the police station, it is recommended that the police officers themselves develop indicators for the constant evaluation of the attention that each one of them gives to the citizens when they come to request their services; in this way, they will evaluate monthly which are the points in which they have more errors or in which people feel more dissatisfied in order to apply measures of change and reverse this dissatisfaction in the citizens.
Regarding responsiveness, it is suggested that police officers use effective procedures to meet the needs of people who come to this institution because some of these are urgent and can not wait so long, so they should also organize their time among themselves so that there is always a police officer ready to help that person in case of an emergency and not leave them waiting as could be evidenced at the time of the survey.
Regarding empathy, the personnel of the public institution should carry out a series of specific training on how to assist people from a kinder and more understandable point of view and also to develop assertive communication skills, since some people who come are in a state in which they do not know how to act or are simply afraid, so that by not receiving a kind treatment from the officers, it undermines more inside them, making the experience within the institution much worse. In terms of Reliability, it is recommended that officers make people wait a long time when they are served at the police station because people expect a fast service to solve or satisfy their needs depending on the case; it is also recommended that they take their time to explain the various processes that the person needs, since many times users do not understand at first what the officer tells them and end up confused, so by providing a clear and correct service the person will feel satisfied with the service.
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24. Sagbay Llivichuzhca M del C, Bermeo Pazmiño K, Ochoa Crespo J. Determinación del nivel de satisfacción de los consumidores en los supermercados del Cantón Sígsig. CIENCIAMATRIA. 2021;7(12):277-309.
25. Valenzuela Salazar NL, Buentello Martínez CP, Gómez LA, Villarreal Sánchez VL. La atención al cliente, el servicio, el producto y el precio como variables determinantes de la satisfacción del cliente en una pyme de servicios. Rev GEON. 2019;6(2):18-24.
26. Vilca Horna CM, Vilca Tantapoma ME, Armas Chang MZ. Relación entre calidad de servicio y satisfacción de los clientes del Banco de la Nación, Perú. SCIÉNDO. 2021;24(2):103-108.
27. Matos Uribe FF, Contreras Contreras F, Olaya Guerrero JC. Estadística descriptiva y probabilidad para las ciencias de la información con el uso del SPSS. Asociación de Bibliotecólogos del Perú.
28. Hernández C, Prieto AT, Hernández C. Dimensiones de la calidad de servicio presentes en los programas de postgrado. Reflexiones teóricas. Rev Arbitrada Venezolana del Núcleo LUZ-Costa Oriental del Lago. 2017;12(2):127-141.
29. Romero Subia JF, Jimber Del Rio JA, Ochoa Rico MS, Vergara Romero A. Analysis of Citizen Satisfaction in Municipal Services. Economies. 2022;10(9).
30. Duque Oliva EJ. Revisión del concepto de calidad del servicio y sus modelos de medición. INNOVAR. Rev Ciencias Adm Soc. 2005;15(25):64-80.
31. Romero Carazas R, Ochoa Tataje FA, Mori Rojas G, Vilca Cáceres VA, Gómez Cáceres FY, Del Carpio Delgado F, Zárate Suárez JS, Espinoza Casco RJ. Service Quality and Institutional Image as Predictors of Customer Satisfaction in Municipalities of Perú. J Law Sustainable Development. 2023;11(5):e885.
32. Sagbay Llivichuzhca M del C, Bermeo Pazmiño K, Ochoa Crespo J. Determinación del nivel de satisfacción de los consumidores en los supermercados del Cantón Sígsig. CIENCIAMATRIA. 2021;7(12):277-309.
33. Valenzuela Salazar NL, Buentello Martínez CP, Gómez LA, Villarreal Sánchez VL. La atención al cliente, el servicio, el producto y el precio como variables determinantes de la satisfacción del cliente en una pyme de servicios. Rev GEON. 2019;6(2):18-24.
34. Vilca Horna CM, Vilca Tantapoma ME, Armas Chang MZ. Relación entre calidad de servicio y satisfacción de los clientes del Banco de la Nación, Perú. SCIÉNDO. 2021;24(2):103-108.
35. Matos Uribe FF, Contreras Contreras F, Olaya Guerrero JC. Estadística descriptiva y probabilidad para las ciencias de la información con el uso del SPSS. Asociación de Bibliotecólogos del Perú.
36. Hernández C, Prieto AT, Hernández C. Dimensiones de la calidad de servicio presentes en los programas de postgrado. Reflexiones teóricas. Rev Arbitrada Venezolana del Núcleo LUZ-Costa Oriental del Lago. 2017;12(2):127-141.
37. Matos Uribe FF, Contreras Contreras F, Olaya Guerrero JC. Estadística descriptiva y probabilidad para las ciencias de la información con el uso del SPSS. Asociación de Bibliotecólogos del Perú.
38. Sánchez García M, Sánchez Romero MC. Medición de la calidad en el servicio, como estrategia para la competitividad en las organizaciones. Rev Ciencia Administrativa. 2016;(2):110-117.
39. Matos Uribe FF, Contreras Contreras F, Olaya Guerrero JC. Estadística descriptiva y probabilidad para las ciencias de la información con el uso del SPSS. Asociación de Bibliotecólogos del Perú.
40. Hernández C, Prieto AT, Hernández C. Dimensiones de la calidad de servicio presentes en los programas de postgrado. Reflexiones teóricas. Rev Arbitrada Venezolana del Núcleo LUZ-Costa Oriental del Lago. 2017;12(2):127-141.
41. Matos Uribe FF, Contreras Contreras F, Olaya Guerrero JC. Estadística descriptiva y probabilidad para las ciencias de la información con el uso del SPSS. Asociación de Bibliotecólogos del Perú.
42. Sagbay Llivichuzhca M del C, Bermeo Pazmiño K, Ochoa Crespo J. Determinación del nivel de satisfacción de los consumidores en los supermercados del Cantón Sígsig. CIENCIAMATRIA. 2021;7(12):277-309.
43. Valenzuela Salazar NL, Buentello Martínez CP, Gómez LA, Villarreal Sánchez VL. La atención al cliente, el servicio, el producto y el precio como variables determinantes de la satisfacción del cliente en una pyme de servicios. Rev GEON. 2019;6(2):18-24.
44. Vilca Horna CM, Vilca Tantapoma ME, Armas Chang MZ. Relación entre calidad de servicio y satisfacción de los clientes del Banco de la Nación, Perú. SCIÉNDO. 2021;24(2):103-108.
45. Matos Uribe FF, Contreras Contreras F, Olaya Guerrero JC. Estadística descriptiva y probabilidad para las ciencias de la información con el uso del SPSS. Asociación de Bibliotecólogos del Perú.
46. Hernández C, Prieto AT, Hernández C. Dimensiones de la calidad de servicio presentes en los programas de postgrado. Reflexiones teóricas. Rev Arbitrada Venezolana del Núcleo LUZ-Costa Oriental del Lago. 2017;12(2):127-141.
47. Matos Uribe FF, Contreras Contreras F, Olaya Guerrero JC. Estadística descriptiva y probabilidad para las ciencias de la información con el uso del SPSS. Asociación de Bibliotecólogos del Perú.
48. Sánchez García M, Sánchez Romero MC. Medición de la calidad en el servicio, como estrategia para la competitividad en las organizaciones. Rev Ciencia Administrativa. 2016;(2):110-117.
49. Matos Uribe FF, Contreras Contreras F, Olaya Guerrero JC. Estadística descriptiva y probabilidad para las ciencias de la información con el uso del SPSS. Asociación de Bibliotecólogos del Perú.
50. Hernández C, Prieto AT, Hernández C. Dimensiones de la calidad de servicio presentes en los programas de postgrado. Reflexiones teóricas. Rev Arbitrada Venezolana del Núcleo LUZ-Costa Oriental del Lago. 2017;12(2):127-141.
Conceptualization: Yanko Yoshitaro Vilca Malaver.
Research: Yanko Yoshitaro Vilca Malaver.
Methodology: Yanko Yoshitaro Vilca Malaver.
Writing - original draft: Yanko Yoshitaro Vilca Malaver.
Writing - revision and editing: Yanko Yoshitaro Vilca Malaver.