Antonio Gramsci's Thought as a Tool for Social Transformation in Latin America
Gramscian Thought, Civil Society, Hegemony, State, Latin AmericaAbstract
Antonio Gramsci made great contributions to Marxist theory. His work presents a set of conceptual elements that allow the understanding of the historical forms in which domination is exercised. Gramsci shows the political and cultural mechanisms that support these forms. The present paper will analyze the Gramscian precepts related to the problematization of relations between the State and civil society. In addition, we will observe the journey of this thought through the region and its presence in the search for new emancipatory areas and forms of popular struggles. The study of Gramscian thought has great validity, because it constitutes a theoretical weapon in the process of strengthening and democratizing civil society. Based on a bibliographical study of the Gramscian work, the precepts relating to the problematization of relations between the State and civil society are analyzed and conclusions are reached. This study has shown the innovative nature of Gramsci’s precepts. The link he established between the class struggle and cultural aspects allowed him to enrich previous Marxist thought. The evidence of the emergence and development of a leftist intellectuality in Latin America allowed us to appreciate that Gramsci’s works led to a change of logic in the thinking of social transformation in which the Sandinista Revolution stands out, the Workers' Party in Brazil, the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the Republic of Ecuador
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nachely Pérez Guedes , Alfredo Arufe Padrón (Author)
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