Identification of local strategies for the management and control of Hypothenemus hampei in coffee farms in the Miraflores district of the municipality of Garzón Huila
Hypothenemus Hampei, Coffe Arabica, Local Strategies, Cultural Control, Chemical ControlAbstract
The coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei affects the quality and quantity of coffee beans, which generates economic losses that are often associated with inefficient crop management practices. For this reason, with the objective of identifying local strategies for the management and control of Hypothenemus hampei in coffee farms in the department of Huila-Colombia, a study was carried out in the Villa Alejandra farm located in the municipality of Garzón-Huila. A semi-structured interview was applied in order to know the methods used by the producer to control the CBB, the results were analyzed using ATLAS ti software version 9.0. It was found that the producer practices a combination of two control methods: cultural and chemical. The empirical knowledge of the producers has been built through generations and is influenced by the training institutions in the management of coffee cultivation
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yenifer Gutiérrez Villanueva, Luz Albenis Villaquiran Chacon, Verenice Sánchez Castillo (Author)
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