Policy initiatives in response to the humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad Basin
Lake Chad Basin, humanitarian crisis, political initiativesAbstract
The territories in the Lake Chad Basin are experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. In the region, the effects of climate change, economic and political marginalization, and the impact of terrorist groups' actions converge negatively. All this has given rise to an environment characterized by high levels of instability and violence, the effects of which have a negative influence on the development of the countries involved. This research identifies the main factors that determine the existence of this crisis, in addition to describing, in a succinct manner, its most evident manifestations. In addition, it evaluates, from a multidimensional approach, the political initiatives carried out to face it. In this sense, the isolated, insufficient and uncoordinated nature of the actions taken so far, both by regional and international actors, is noted
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Copyright (c) 2023 Katia Gisett Roché Guerrero, Arianne Medina Perera, Jonathan Mckenzie Monés (Author)
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