School coexistence as a support to the administration of educational institutions in Monteria


  • Yadis Hoyos Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia Author



School Coexistence, Administration, Educational Institutions, Monteria, Challenges, Teacher


School coexistence in culturally diverse environments presents significant challenges, essential for the inclusion and integral formation of students. Facing conflicts arising from the diversity of origins and beliefs, schools play a crucial role in creating environments that promote respect and tolerance, allowing students to become active and aware citizens. Therefore, the objective of the research was to understand how the management of school coexistence contributes with its support to the administration in the official educational institutions of Monteria from the construction of theoretical-practical guidelines. This study adopts an introspective, experiential and hermeneutic approach, exploring how values and norms are interpreted and lived within the school environment, which is vital to develop administrative policies and strategies that effectively respond to the needs of the educational community. Data analysis through in-depth interviews and documentary review allows for a detailed and contextualized understanding of school coexistence, highlighting the need for strategies that foster dialogue and cooperation. It was concluded that school coexistence is more than just peaceful coexistence; it is a dynamic component of the educational process that prepares students to face and resolve conflicts, promoting democracy and inclusion. Effective management of school coexistence requires informed and committed leadership, capable of cultivating and maintaining these values through consistent and reflective educational practices


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How to Cite

Hoyos Y. School coexistence as a support to the administration of educational institutions in Monteria. Southern perspective / Perspectiva austral [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 16];2:60. Available from: