Emotional experiences of single mother students at the university of la guajira: “a focus on the formation of entrepreneurs in emerging social environments”
Emotional Experiences, Single Student Mothers, Training, EntrepreneursAbstract
The article explores the emotional experiences of single mothers who are simultaneously pursuing university studies at the University of La Guajira. The study focuses on the development of entrepreneurial skills in these emerging social environments. The research draws on interviews and qualitative analysis to examine the emotional challenges these women face as they balance academic, family, and entrepreneurial responsibilities. The importance of social support networks and educational resources is highlighted to mitigate stress and facilitate access to higher education. In conclusion, the study provides a comprehensive view of the emotional experiences of single student mothers, highlighting the importance of integrated approaches that foster their academic and entrepreneurial development in evolving social environments
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Copyright (c) 2024 Angel Nava Chirinos, Samara Ortega, Yelianys Marín (Author)
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