Importance of the knowledge and uses of popular music in the social learning of students
Use, knowledge, Social Learning, EducationAbstract
The present work seeks to raise awareness of the knowledge and use of popular music, which affect the social learning of the students of the Faculty of Education of the University of La Guajira. The transcendence and the roots of popular music, especially the vallenato in the daily life of the students of this population, the learning for life. Once the application instruments and all the epistemological theoretical reference were designed, we proceeded to the application of the measurement tools. The interviews with the students were conducted at the Faculty of Education of the University of La Guajira. Critical judgment experts were interviewed in the cities of Riohacha and Valledupar. Analysis, interpretation, segmentation and codification of the responses were recorded in the qualitative analysis matrix designed for this purpose. A preliminary conclusion was made for each question and served as input for the results, conclusions and final recommendations of the project. The work shows the decipherment and social consensus that vallenato music is a frame of reference fixed by culture and that its meaning is only understandable in relation to the determined social context. This scenario or context fixes the communicative role of music in the individual. When interpreting the imaginaries that most affect the social learning of the students of the Faculty of Education in relation to the use of vallenata music, both the voices of the students and the experts, a strong inclination towards machismo and hedonistic behavior is found
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Copyright (c) 2024 Delio Jacobo Mora Pontiluis, Edibeth Joselin Mora Atencio, Emérita Sofia Muñoz Estrada (Author)
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