History and Archaeology: An Analysis of Narrative Construction through Multiple Sources in the Case of Muntz Metal


  • Andrés Raymundo Zuccolotto Villalobos El Colegio de San Luis, Doctorado en Historia. México Author




History, Archaeology, Narrative, Muntz Metal, Industry


In the world of history and archaeology, the construction of narratives has become a multidisciplinary process that draws on a variety of sources. This paper focuses on one case study: the Muntz Metal as an example of these processes. As we explore history and archaeology in tandem, we dive into the unique narrative surrounding this material and its impact on various epochs. Muntz Metal, a copper and zinc alloy, has left a significant historical footprint, from its use in maritime vessels to applications in industry. Through archaeological research and historical interpretation, an account of how this alloy shaped key sectors of society has been developed. What makes the study of Muntz Metal particularly interesting is the diversity of sources that have been employed to reconstruct its history and impact. This paper seeks to understand the interplay between history and archaeology, highlighting how various sources, such as trade records, recovered artifacts, and historical testimony, have intertwined to form a more complete picture of the importance of Muntz Metal over time. By examining how these sources complement each other, a dynamic process of narrative construction is revealed, with each piece of information adding a layer of understanding. The study of Muntz Metal not only provides a glimpse into its evolution and application throughout history, but also serves as an exemplary case of how history and archaeology work in harmony to weave narratives


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How to Cite

Zuccolotto Villalobos AR. History and Archaeology: An Analysis of Narrative Construction through Multiple Sources in the Case of Muntz Metal. Southern perspective / Perspectiva austral [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 16];1:72. Available from: https://pa.ageditor.ar/index.php/pa/article/view/7