Didactic route in mediation and conflict resolution to promote a culture of peace from the teaching practice in elementary school


  • Liliana Margarita Castro Genes Universidad de Cartagena. Colombia Author




Methodological Route, Mediation, Conflict Resolution, Culture of Peace


This document shows the results of the research on mediation and conflict resolution as pillars in the promotion of peace culture from the practice of elementary school teachers, whose general objective is to generate a didactic route in mediation and conflict resolution to promote peace culture from the teaching practice in elementary schools of official educational institutions in the urban area of Monteria. It is based on an interpretative paradigm, with a phenomenological method and a hermeneutic approach. In addition, it is based on a qualitative type of research. The population is made up of the teachers of the official educational institutions of the urban area of Monteria and the sample is made up of the elementary school teachers of these institutions. The data collection techniques applied were observation, since this allows the researcher to observe the participants in the research process. In addition, the semi-structured interview and the focus group were applied. The research provided a comprehensive view of how mediation and conflict resolution strategies can be effectively integrated into the school curriculum and teaching practice, thus contributing to the promotion of a culture of peace in the educational environment


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How to Cite

Castro Genes LM. Didactic route in mediation and conflict resolution to promote a culture of peace from the teaching practice in elementary school. Southern perspective / Perspectiva austral [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 16];2:39. Available from: https://pa.ageditor.ar/index.php/pa/article/view/71