Effects of hunting and wildlife trafficking by peasants in the Huitorá indigenous reservation
hunting, illegal trafficking, control, extraction, territoryAbstract
The following work reflects the activities carried out through the illegal trade of wildlife in the Huitora indigenous reservation, taking into account the hunting and extraction of flora and fauna in said territory, which these activities bring consequences of imbalance in the natural environment. and the deterioration of ecosystems. For this reason, a series of interviews were carried out with the inhabitants of the territory and thus be able to know how much affectation is reflected by the peasant in terms of the fall and extraction of fauna, having said that, the wildlife is in danger, for what it is It is important to have the support of the environmental authorities such as the Police Authorities and Urban Environmental Authorities, to fear control in the area, and therefore these wild species have a better life in their natural environment
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Isabel Garay Monaityama, Verenice Sánchez Castillo (Author)
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