Bolivian scientific production in social sciences




Bibliometrics, Science, Social Sciences, Scientific Production Indicators, Scientific production


Introduction: The social sciences comprise a broad field of scientific endeavor. They involve specialties whose center of work is man, the dynamics of the environment and the environment and its influence on it.
Objective: describe Bolivian scientific production in social sciences
Method: an observational, descriptive bibliometric research was developed. A total of 1,043 investigations were worked on. Variables: number of articles (Nodoc), year of publication of the research, typology or modality of the works, journals where they were published, quartiles by journal, collaboration networks and correlation of terms. Descriptive statistics and bibliometric indicators were applied.
Results: a predominance of the year 2021 was seen. The typology of original or research article predominated with 784 works for 75.17%. The research published in the American Journal of Human Biology stood out with 32 works (3.06%). 7 clusters of collaboration between countries and 4 clusters of correlation of terms were identified.
Conclusions: Bolivarian scientific production on the social sciences showed a pattern of gradual and ascending growth. The center of the studies focused on articles with results; framed in high impact magazines. At the same time, there is extensive international collaboration covering dissimilar research topics.


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How to Cite

Auza-Santivañez JC, Condori-Villca N, Oberson Santander I, Vallejos Rejas DRE, Condori-Aduviri R, Rico Ramallo GJM, et al. Bolivian scientific production in social sciences. Southern perspective / Perspectiva austral [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 16];2:.100. Available from: